Sunday, April 1, 2012

As we finished out last summer, Ken and I had high hopes of getting lots done at our house. With Katie gone to College, we thought that we would have tons of time for our list of projects. Well, here we are getting ready to start another summer and what have we accomplished?

The main project is to finish our basement. I have to say that it is started and I have taken some "before" pictures, but want to wait and post them with the "after" pictures, so stay tuned. Our goal is still to get it done before the middle of June.

We did get Ken's office done! This room was finished, but we had a bit of a flood last summer, (long story), so we had to put new carpet down. The other problem was that the doorway was too narrow to get his drafting table in, so he hadn't quite got moved in. Thanks to Ken's handy sawsall, he made the door opening larger and we were able to get his table in. It was interesting to get his things out. Many of them go back to his office in Grass Valley.

Katie is home for Easter Break. She will be here for over a week.
Already relaxing with a good book, (not a text book).

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