Thursday, December 3, 2009

Still Waiting!

There has been a phrase that we have heard regularly since we arrived here and it is stated after someone hears that we are from
California. "Just Wait!" Wouldn't you know it, Guelph has not had a November with out snow in over 70 years. Now it is the 3rd day in December and still no snow. I am not complaining, mind you, but I am starting to get a little concerned about the white Christmas that I am anticipating.
I have never seen so much snow removal equipment and cold weather apparel in all of my life. It makes me wonder, are we ready for this? I guess we will just have to "wait" and see!


Aly sun said...

Jeff and I have been to SK in the winter twice to visit friends. Since going to college there, I know how unbelievably cold it ALWAYS gets. But for both of our visits, we had "unusually warm temperatures" hovering near freezing. My husband no longer believes my stories of freezing coffee and frost bitten eye balls.

Sherri said...

maybe we'll get snow before you, Its forcast later next week:)

bmor said...

Yeah, I am still waiting for the snow down here too! hahaha.