Friday, March 16, 2012

Ken's Sugar Bush

In Canada, a forest is called a bush.
A forest of maple trees is called a "Sugar Bush"

We have two maple trees just outside our house.........Ken's Sugar Bush!
He collected sap for 2 1/2 weeks. The conditions were just right. Cold at night and warmer during the day.
Thats a lot of Sap!!

The idea is to boil the sap and evaporate the water, which leaves the syrup.
It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup.
Ready to start cooking!

He finished it inside as we anticipated our waffles.
(6 hours to this point).

That is it. A half quart but boy, was it worth it!!!

We figured that we will get about 2 and a half quarts of syrup from the sap that he collected.
We are taking bids if anyone is interested!!


Anonymous said...

I thought I smelled waffles. We will be over later today.

The Californian Eskimo said...

YAYYY it worked :) Can't wait to try some when I come home!!

Larry Click said...

They had this on "Dirty Jobs" once. Seems like a lot of work. I'm thinking it may not last until Lisa comes home though!

That is Canadian livin'!!