Friday, December 9, 2011

The last box

When we moved, I was determined to open and use or display the contents of each box. With the exception of old toys and keepsakes belonging to the girls, and some camping gear, I did pretty well. I do have some things set aside to embellish the family room when we get that renovated, (another "before and after" post to follow sometime this winter), and everything else is unpacked or gotten rid of.

Except for this box..............................
......................Fragile, but not eggs. I had a perfect spot at our other house for my Precious Moments collection, but in our new house it didn't seem to fit. My thought was to find a shelf that could house all the figurines and fit on the wall in my office. I found this shelf unit in a storage room at camp and rescued it for my cause.

Not quite right........................

............ A little better.

I have always loved shelves. Here are a few more in our home.
Some special nic nacs. Our wedding cake top, My Grandma Ewert's Bible (in German), and some pictures...............
Interesting that my Mom and I picked the same colors for our weddings.

The Blue and White

The all White. Martha Stewart can get away with it, I thought that I would give it a try with my dining areas yellow walls.

This shelf is above the door in the guest bedroom. Most of the things are Lisa's.

More of Lisa's things. I don't know what I will do when she wants to claim them. I guess I will just have to redecorate!!


Anonymous said...

That was a very interesting post. I like the shelf theme.

Anonymous said...

Peg, your house looks so cute. You have great decorating ideas. You must like to dust more than I do though! (Probably the main reason I don't have cute things at my house!!) But this all fits your darling personality.
Love you,